Swampscott Recreation
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Light Up Swampscott a Holiday Decorating Contest

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Let's light up Swampscott this holiday season! You can be voted the most festive home/business in town!

1. Register to enter the contest below.

2. Decorate your home/business with your best, most creative holiday light and decoration display, while adhering to the Rules of Participation (see below).

3.  Ensure your home/business is decorated by Tuesday December 12th so that we have enough time to photograph and pick the top 3 as winners. Photos will be shared on our Recreation social media pages. All address will be placed on a Google Map to encourage the community to drive around and view all of the participating homes. 

4. People's Choice voting will open up on Wednesday, December 13th. A link to the poll will be included on the Google Map, social media platforms, and sent out via email. Voting will close end of day Sunday, December 17th.

5.  Voting will occur between Wednesday, December 13th - Sunday, December 17th with the top 3 houses/businesses winning a gift certificate to a local restaurant!

Rules for Participation
  • Registration must be received by December 12th
  • There are all different holiday's that families will be celebrating in December. Let's all celebrate them together!
  • Homes/business will be not be judged by the size but on their holiday spirit!
Holiday Lights

* Adjustments and discounts will be applied during checkout if applicable. *

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